It resembles a blackberry but has these tentacle like thingies all over (forgive me for not knowing the scientific word, this is a food blog)
I bought some of these but really didn't know what to do with it. I remember Patrick Star (of Spongebob Squarepants) once say: "when in doubt, pinkie out!" (that REALLY did not help)
SO I created a new one "when in doubt, blender out!"
I made a dee-licious smoothie with the mulberries and strangely a larger quantity of other stuff.
What you need:
¼ cup mulberries
½ cup diced papaya
1 cup cold milk
honey to flavor (honey is perfect as a sweetener for this recipe)
What to do:
1.Blend all, preferably with some ice
2.Slowly sip and enjoy the flavor. And keep your pinkie out. Its Friday the 13th!
My beautiful mulberries.
My even more beautiful mulberry smoothie.
Mulberry with papaya? Interesting combination!
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